Saturday, April 30, 2011

Me again! Dun Dun Duhhhh...

So, the main reason I am typing right now is because I felt I was neglecting my blog. Well that and I'm supposed to be asleep right now, so of course that's the only thing I can't do. Oh well. My class is writing children's books right now, which basically means that I have to think of about 6 or 7 more stanzas of rhymes that have to do with 3 dragons, a unicorn, an evil wizard, and knight in shining armor. It's not what it sounds like. Don't even give your computer that look. It's NOT. What it is, is amazing! I'm having a lot of fun writing it, which is the most important part. Well actually, seeing as this is a school assignment that I will be getting graded on I guess that's probably not the part that matters, but I am anyway so there...
I shall bore thou no longer oh reader of mine blog. I hasten forth to mine bed to sucumb to sweet slumber. For I hath a mere eight hours to revive mine deprived mind and body from the days of turmoil. Hence I bid you farewell for this night.
Weren't expecting that, were you?

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